Patentability analyses

Patentability analyses

efore drafting and filing a patent application, it is beneficial to have at least an indication of the patentability of your invention. The three prerequisites of a patentable invention are: 1) that it is novel, 2) inventive, and 3) industrially applicable. With novel is meant that it should not have been disclosed to the public, i.e. it has not been described in the literature, nor that the invention has been shown or discussed (orally) in public. An invention is inventive if it is not obvious in view of what was known at the date of filing, and it is industrially applicable if it can be used in any kind of industry, including agriculture.

IZI patents can perform thorough searches in the scientific and patent databases in order to retrieve documents that may be relevant for (non-)patentability. Based on these documents, the patent attorney of IZI Patents are able to advise on the patentability, i.e. on whether the invention is novel, does involve an inventive step and is industrially applicable.

Additionally, IZI patents is able to advise on valorization of the invention, i.e. how to make money from your invention. It is the conviction of IZI patents that patents should generate money in your business and not only cost you money.